Video Journal ::
Local newspaper incorporating video blogging
"There is never time in the future in which we will work out our salvation. The challenge is in the moment; the time is always now. "– James A. Baldwin
Video Journal ::
Local newspaper incorporating video blogging
tools and technology bring world-wide neighbors to our living rooms.
The Long Tail: The new architecture of production
New consumption architecture.
A VC: Posting, Subscribing, and Tagging
good breakdown / discussion of essential features of blogging.
useful apps, media, technology, services, and ideas from that tech, media, community guru Kenyatta.
PEG_FINAL.pdf (application/pdf Object)
this report by Hans Klein at Georgia Tech highlights the weakness and strengths of PEG and some strategies for confronting it. Written in the context of Atlanta’s People TV.
Other interesting future of PEG items can be found at
The Shifted Librarian: Video Games Roundup
games for girls and llibary involvement.
This is an interesting flash movie looking at the trajectory of online social networks, search engines, and media / news / information online. Will this world of personalized news and information yeild a richer, more informed public or polarize opinion and news into a self referential loops?
epic-2015-thompson-sloan.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)
Demos – Projects – Public Spaces; Shared Places?
Translating the idea of this into virtual and media space might be an interesting idea to follow. | What Can Evolutionary Science Teach Us About Designing Online Commons?
Jason sent this my way via unmediated. It gets at some very interesting ideas around organica and technical commons.