Train the Trainers ICT

Train the trainers or let the trainers train themselves? (for ICT4D trainers)

This is a 4-page summary of a community readiness assessment for ICT4D trainers, done by IICD last year, which is available online here:

Train the trainers or let the trainers train themselves?

The research brief includes a short overview of the assessment, and ends with recommendations which may be valid for other communities of practice, as well as a few other methodological reflections.

You can also read the full report HERE.

Social Media and the Networked Public Sphere

Can social media increase and improve civic participation? If so, in what ways? There’s a lot being said and written about the subject these days, but it is difficult to get a clear overview of the opinions. I attempt here to collect viewpoints both for and against the premise that social media is creating a better public sphere, and analyze them in the context of what constitutes a public and its antithesis, a mass. In presenting what are sometimes extreme positions within this debate (too idealistic v. too critical), my hope is to begin to understand the reality that lies in the middle, and come closer to understanding social media’s potential (and limitations) as a tool to bring about social change.

i d e a n t: Social Media and the Networked Public Sphere

citizen film

Featured Member – Citizen Film
Founded in 2002 by Sophie Constantinou, Sam Ball and Kate Stilley Steiner, Citizen Film is an independent documentary production company dedicated to telling personal stories with care and dignity. We work with community institutions to make and distribute films that foster active participation in civic and cultural life. Citizen Film’s directors have also provided intensive film training at a variety of educational and community institutions throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.


Just found out about a fantastic new browser that is an add on to Firefox.  Will be testing it out over the next couple of weeks.  It is called Flock –

Chuck E. Cheese

Last week I attended the birthday party of 5-year old fraternal twins Sofia and Samira. The event took place at the Chuck E. Cheese’s in Burlington, MA. I have never been to a Chuck E. Cheese and it was a bit of a surreal, banal and slighly sad experience. A sort of second cousin to Disney mixed in with a kiddie Vegas sort of amusement part feel. The kids seemed to enjoy it though.

Beyond Cable

Within the last two days, I had two separate individuals indicated that putting media up on their blogs (video and / or audio) was more powerful to them than simply putting it on the local cable channel.  The ability to reach an audience beyond the geographic boundaries of the municipality were attractive to both.  They didn’t like the confines of cable.  Here is shape of things to come.

Everything Old is New Again

The winter issue of the Community Media Review is about ready to hit the stands.  I know its almost summer.  Perhaps it is the winter issue for the southern hemisphere.  This issue, entitled “Beyond Access,” looks at new forms of community media that are beyond simple access or the technologies of cable.  I wrote a piece about the foundations of community media and links to new technology.  You can check it out here:

And while you’re at it check out the other articles in the publication.